Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Memoir #2 Memory Box Project

Teddy Bear Blues

The treacherous drop before me, a chill slips down my spine. But I am not afraid, because I can climb the monkey bars. I reach and my hand coils around the bar in front of me and I swing to the next rung and my grip slips. I fall to the ground, rocks dug into my back and I land on my arm now there is a slicing pain crawling up my arm. I pulled out I screamed, “Ms. Jodi! Ms. Jodi!”

She runs over, “What's wrong?”

An hour later my big sister comes back from her after school field trip. She goes to see me as soon as she heard what happened. I was still there because Ms. Jodi won't let me call my parents. She thought I was faking it and didn't believe that I'd broken my arm. How could she not believe me? I was a little girl sobbing clutching my arm in pain. I do not cry wolf.

Hot tears ran down my face, the pain wouldn't stop. My sister offered my a stuffed polar bear that she just won in a raffle. “Here, take it.” She had said.

“Are you sure.” I replied, I didn't want to take something from her that she'd won.

Of course she continued to say that I could have it and I continued to ask if she was sure. Until finally my prodding of her doubts worked and she decided that she did in fact want the bear.

I know what your thinking, what kind of person would take a teddy bear that they'd given to a Kindergarten with a broken arm? That person is Brittney, my sister.

Still, no matter how many times she is mean to me. I will still look up to here and go to her when I have problem, because after all she still is my big sister and my life wouldn't be the same without here.