Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Memoir #1 Memory Box Project

Still Remember

Blond hair, blue eyes and a crooked smile. That's my best friend. My car pulls into the driveway, as soon as it parks the door shoots open. Out comes a little black haired kid, that's me. Five minutes after we get home the doorbell rings. It's Connor that blond haired kid.

“Do you wanna come over to my house?” He asks.

“Okay, I said but I have to check with my mom.”

“Me too.” He replied.

But both of us already knew what they'd say, they'd say what they always said, “ Only if her mom says it's okay.” or “Only if his mom says it's okay.” But we always asked any way. Then I went strait across the street into his house or he went strait into mine, it happened like this everyday. I blazed out into the street, most of the other neighborhood kids were out already playing Hide n' Go Seek. We joined right in. That's how the day would go, everyday until the day he left. All I got when he left was a snow globe, I gave him a little tag that had my name on it. Then I never saw him again.

Well, actually, I did see him. But it was four years later. It was hard for us to talk, since we hadn't see each other for so long. I still had his, gift he still had mine.